Baggeridge Country Park
Gospel End Road
West Midlands
Contact Number: 07752 859432/07549 337874
Email: info@breathingspacetherapeuticservices.co.uk
Nurture through Nature

About Nature through Nurture (NTN) .… It is widely recognised that children benefit from time in nature and that often children and young people who find it difficult to interact with their peers or significant adults in the constraints of a classroom can communicate very effectively when in the outdoors or whilst interacting with animals. Therefore, NTN is a provision accessible by any child or young person who is finding it difficult to engage in a full mainstream timetable, experiences the conventional therapy setting as intimidating and who learns best in a kinaesthetic way.
Benefits of Nurture through Nature:
• Builds confidence and self-esteem
• Promotes creativity and imagination
• Teaches responsibility
• Provides different stimulation
• Develops empathy
• Reduces stress and fatigue
• Develops communication skills
• Gets children active
• Supports multiple development domains – intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual and physical
Referral Process
Who is Nurture through Nature designed to support?
Nurture through Nature is a small bitesize provision designed to support n increase in personal, social and emotional skills for those youngsters who either don't require full day intervention or who are in need of a longer assessment period before joining our Alternative Provision.
Provision cost: £60 for a 2hr session
Referral Process: Download and complete the Referral Form below. Once completed, please email it to: